I’m reminded of an invitation from Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the bestseller ‘Eat, Pray, Love’. She invites us to stop asking people about their passion and begin asking them about their curiosity.
Since 2016 there has been plenty of passion showing up in world arenas. As a society we are finding ourselves more passionately and deeply entrenched in many areas of our lives; political, business, economic, cultural, philosophical, and religious; just to name a few of the easy ones.
Passion is NOT necessarily bad, in fact people with a clearly defined passion contribute greatly to our lives and our world. In art, music, writing, science, education, human rights, spirituality, medicine, governance, leadership, business, technology and many other fields passion has changed the landscape, created unparalleled opportunities and inspired many to step into their potential.
Passion is powerful, it demands from us, it takes our full commitment, it’s all or nothing. Passion is consuming. Curiosity is gentler, it asks for your involvement and encourages you to look just a little deeper, without judgement, with less ego. Curiosity doesn’t take, it doesn’t require. Curiosity, by its nature can only give. If you let it, Curiosity will continuously give clues to your unfolding life.
A 2020 Curiosity Resolution.
As we approach the 2021 new year I believe it’s time to consider Ms. Gilbert’s invitation. I’m inviting all of us this New Year’s to make just one resolution. To resolve to live in 2020 following our curiosity.
Here’s why, if you’re living in your passion you already know it. You don’t need anyone to ask you, “What is you passion?”. It’s obvious. However, living in passion isn’t guaranteed, it’s not some pre-ordained right of passage. For many, including me, finding your passion is a journey, a discovery, maybe even an awakening. A more typical human life path is one of supportive curiosity. Asking questions, seeking answers, looking in many different directions and alternative places to discover where our interest, our intention, our creativity and out truth lies.
When we ask people about their curiosity we are organically supporting their life journey. And, we are reinforcing the curiosity in our own journey. It’s a much more supportive way to connect with each other. Curiosity offers the chance for us not only to explore and communicate what’s import to us it also allows us to listen, to absorb, and possibility be more open to understanding another’s point of view.
When we allow ourselves to be curious before we insist on being passionate we give space and time for our passion to be discovered, to develop and to bloom. Consequently, we will need not be forced or coerced by others expectations.
By putting curiosity before passion you may find that your life makes more sense. You may notice you are more tuned-in to your thoughts, feelings and decisions. Curiosity first provides the opportunity to discover your passion, or maybe multiple passions; passions that can evolve; passions we can integrate fully into our lives. In my life I find that these authentic passions feed my truth and authenticity. They surface to help me inspire others and make significant differences my life, and potentially the lives of others and our world.
The Curiosity Instinct.
The intention to be curious first in our daily life can pay huge dividends. Curiosity sets the stage for interactions that are welcoming and inviting. Communicating with family, co-workers and even the waitress in your favorite breakfast cafe suddenly become connective conversations allowing the flow of dialogue, ideas and information.
Here are 3 ways curiosity can change the dynamics of communication and understanding.
- Curiosity organically begins with asking questions. Questions inspire thought, seek answers and often open doors to new possibilities.
- It is impossible to be curious and judgmental at the same time. Approaching a situation with curiosity allows you to notice what is really going on. When you’re curious you are not projecting your judgement onto the situation or yourself. You’re open to understanding and embracing new perspectives.
- Living in curiosity you have the opportunity to influence our world, weaving perspectives and bringing ideas from many sources to everything you do.
Boldly Living Leadership.
We elevate leadership potential. Our team of experience centric results driven coaches help leaders discover and tap into their organization’s purpose then gain the skills needed to create a culture of purpose driven contributive leadership. We offer assessments, workshops, leadership intensives, team engagements and several ongoing experience centered transformational programs like our Leadership Sandbox. I invite you to start a conversation to explore possibilities of our leadership development programs.
If interested contact Bruce Wilhelm: bruce@boldlylivingleadership.com